As humans, we sin a million times a day. We ask for forgiveness but we have a fear to come back towards God because we don’t know if he will accept us because of what we have done. I’m going to talk about The Parable of the Lost Son foundContinue Reading

When you wrap your head around the world its hard to let go of that. We get so drawn into the world that its hard to give all of it to God. We may feel happy and we say its the world. You see posts all about depression anxiety andContinue Reading

When it comes to days we have good days that go by fast but we can also have bad days that feel like it will never be a new day. Our minds set a perspective for the day when we wake up and that’s why its always best to haveContinue Reading

When living a life with Christ you find true joy and calmness in all situations. Before I started my life with Christ I struggled with trying to figure out how to live a life through Christ. I believed I had to feel him and hear him know I’m living theContinue Reading

Procrastinating is so hard to fix because once you do it once you want continue to do it. Lets just dive into some tips! Get your mindset right. When you want to do something set your mind to it. When its not set in your mind it wont be setContinue Reading

We are all in a funky time with quarantine and we tend to take advantage of the time on our hands. I must say there has been moments were i cant put down my phone because i’m into going through feed on Instagram or snap chat. I’m not sure ifContinue Reading