Hi! My name is Ainsley Markou and I am a stylist and content creator. I am freshly out of high school and am pursuing big things within the fashion industry.
I was originally going to go into the mission field until I was filled with the revelation of being a daughter of the highest king and seeing myself through the lens of my Father. I recognized that my mission field and purpose looked different from what I thought it had to be.
I have a passion for fashion and I believe that I get to walk out my purpose in this industry. After years of hours spent in my closet, I am surprised I didn’t realize my love for fashion sooner haha. The more I have taken fashion seriously over my life, the more God has allowed me to see His desire to prosper me. I hope to share my love with passion while revealing God’s love for His children. I plan on prioritizing my clientele and being the best I can be to work for high positions in the industry.