Hey Hey! One thing I want to talk about is the feeling of abandonment and rejection. This past week my mom talked to be about this feeling and it honestly hit me deep because I have struggled with feeling alone and unwanted all my life. So lets get right into it!!!
First thing is explaining the feeling off abandonment. Abandonment: Emotional abandonment is a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.
I have alwyas struggled with a feeling of abandoment. I would step into any room wether I was at school , cheer, chruch, or even a little bit at home. I have always had a huge burden on my heart as if nobody wanted me around or I was not important and it left me weak. I felt lile no body could ever accept me. When I grew my relationship in Christ it changed more than my life but it took away this burden. I have always been one to keep things in so whenn my mom asked me about it, I got everything out and i felt so fresh and new. You are so special to God and he is a father who never abandones, never tempts, and never hurts. He tells you that YOU ARE WORTHY, YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE ACCEPTED, YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU ARE DESIGNED just as God viewed perfect. Psalms 27:10 reads, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord cares for me.” The Lord will never leave you and he will take away that abandonment and rejection and he will make you confident in being accpeted and loved by him. Put everything into the Lord and he will take away that burden and wicked feeling. Before you came into creation God already had a plan for you. You are specail to the Lord! People are human and we will all mess up but God is perfect and he created you to have a purpose. You are a light and the world will try to bring darkness into you rlife by telling you a lie like no one wants you but let me tell you I WANT YOU! THE LORD WANTS YOU! When the world gets in your mind its almost impossible to believe that anybody wants you but you have to remember that you are improtant to God and you will not be shacken by any lie at all! Today be confident in who you are becuase I promise so many people on this earth care for you, look up to you, and love you and you have to block on the world to see that. Pray about this and the Lord will deliever you from the world. A big thing I do is I say no. When I walk into a room and think im not accepted or not good enough or if im about to compare my self no and i say a quick prayer to be confident in who I am and through the Glory of God! Say no! Abandonment is a dangerous lie but the Lord is you rstroghold and rock and you will not be shacknen!
HAVE A GREAT DAY! xo:) always be free to email me!